Saturday, June 26, 2010

"Obstacles in Information Technology in Educational Practices"

Information Technology is very " popular" nowadays. If we try to imagine, it seems that computer access is almost perfect by means of the students needs ( researching on their assignments, projects) and also socializing just like making friends through the usefullnes of the software advancement( facebook, twitter, blogspot, etc.). But we can't avoid the fact that is also struggling to pass the obstacles in integrating ICT in E- Practices. YES! it's true that there are also problems faced in Info. Tech that involoves the individuals and also the materials that the individuals are using and I'm reffering to the computer.
What does obstacle mean? Obstacle define as one that opposes, stands in the way, or holds up progress toward some goal.
The following are the Obstacles in Info. Tech. in Educational Practices:
  • Lack of Equipment and Out of Date Equipment - These are the prominent obstacles to the integration of ICT tools in E-Practices, It should be available in educators room or so called computer lab. , so they can access the equipment conviniently and also there is " hands on training" with the used of ICT tools in a specified time.

  • Poorly Maintained Equipment - ICT tools are very sensitive. It should have personnel that will facilitate the tools before or after using the computer. If the computers are maintained poorly, I'm sure the ICT tools will not last and If that happens it's a waste of money because computer are very costly.

  • Insufficient Provision, Inadequate and Inappropriate Training of ICT Tools in Teaching- Using ICT tools, the users should familiarize the essential of technology training, It must coincide with its goals. It should focus on how educators on the use of the technology effectively in teaching, not just direction on how to use the toools.

  • ICT tools are changing too fast to keep Current- we know that technology is one of the fastest changing fields. Every year new model of hardware and software with higher processing power and with new enhanced feature is unveiled. Not all of us are considered expert in using computers, it takes more time to familiarize and master it to keep abreast with the latest development of both hardware and software.

  • Needs Extra time and Effort In Integrating ICT Tools - It is Time Consuming because there are lots of things to consider, first... its uses, Second... How to operate the tools. There is difficulty especially for those first timer. Good Time management is highly needed on this case.

  • Network Connectivity is Poor - Sometimes ICT tools are " Hanging" and can be disconnected anytime without prior notices,. Another thing is that if there's no current, ICT tools will become useless.

The following obstacles that I've cited above will definitely affect some of the individuals. Unfortunately, not all of us are in the same economic status. Honestly! computer is highly a big help in accessing information directly, but because of some instances such as lack of equipment, time consuming, ICT tools are changing too fast, network connectivity is on and so forth, This is an indication that we will not just always depend on the computer because in reality " No one is perfect and No man made equipment are totally perfect" there are also some disadvantages on it. If theres no current, No access of ICT tools right? Right!

In my part we should have limitation in using computer, we will not tolerate ourselves that this are the only thing where we could learn because there are some bad things happen through the use of computer. I think you know what I mean ...If we allow ourselves to do so.. Books are also equivalent to computer that gives definite information . All we need to develop is to be responsible in reading it.

In all problems that we encountered especially in ICT of Integrating E- Practices there are always solution just like sufficient and well maintained equipment as well as good networking infastructure to support its USES in teaching. The best way to solve this problems is that the government should give ENOUGH budget to education to sustain the needs of both teacher and students in their teching and learning process in Info. Tech so that they will become successful and progressive as well. We, individuals should also the responsible in educating ourselves in the new trends of technology.